Parents » International Trips Program, 2024-2025

International Trips Program, 2024-2025

Students are going to either Spain or Japan in April 2025
Join us and be part of the experience. Sign up for a trip, help us fundraise, come to an event, host an event, sponsor a student,
post with family and friends on your social media pages, and share how a travel experience has enhanced your life. 
Spain Student & Parent Materials
Hartford Rest Stop sign-up doc
Family Presentation slideshow
Japan Student & Parent Materials
Fundraising Sign-ups:
Travel "To Do's"/Information:
Info and Interest:
Family Presentation for Japan slideshow March 19th 2024
Helpful facts:

Link to GiveButter donation page. 
Any amount helps us achieve our goal. 
Student Fundraising Dates, Schedules Sign-Ups:
Hartford Rest Stop sign up doc
Little Ceasars Pizza kit - finished June 2024